The weather has been lovely this week and due to some bizarre nesting urge I decided it would be a really good idea to mow the lawn. It nearly killed me but was worth doing, though I couldn't get into a lot of the tighter spots, unsurprisingly. The garden is still pretty tatty but hopefully we'll be getting it returfed soon so that doesn't matter too much. Felix just enjoyed getting outside a bit really and wanted to sit in his swing for a good hour or two. When Mum came over the next day she got his water table from the shed and he loved that and spent all afternoon pouring water from cup to cup with the most serious look on his face.
Holding court:
Showing his manly and sensitive sides at the same time:
Playing with his water table.
Dinger lounging:
Felix has been amazing me recently. He seems to be picking things up so quickly - in the last couple of weeks: he speaks in whole (if a little garbled at times) sentences; has an amazingly big vocabulary including some quiet complex words and ideas; he has an amazing memory (better than mine); he knows all his colours both to point out and to name, though he has trouble saying 'red'; he's starting to get the idea of letters and sounds, can point out a few of them and spell a few words (but by memory I think); he knows all his body parts; can name and point to a huge number of animals, and do the noises for many too; he knows most simple shapes to point out, and some to say; and over the last couple of days has started counting - he can recite numbers to ten, point them out and count things out up to five. He's going to know more than me before long.
Honey Corn Muffins
7 hours ago
My Gosh that little boy is growing like a weed! He looks so grown up with his new haircut. *sniff sniff* :(