Gah, I've been useless at updating this week. It's just seemed like a really busy week, though I have no idea why as I'm sure I didn't do all that much! Will try to do a quick catch-up of the week.
Went up to London on Sunday afternoon to meet Steph etc. at the Cutty Sark in Greenwich. Rozzie and Darren were over - we haven't seen them since before we went to Chicago so it was really nice to catch up. Felix kept Roz on the move at all times - he seemed particularly fond of her which was very sweet. There ended up being a pretty good turnout, and while it wasn't quite the Sunday drinking of yore, what with me being pregnant, Kester driving, and us having Felix with us, it was a lovely afternoon. It's funny, while I tend to think of everyone in London as being at a different stage to us at the moment - no-one else is married or has kids, and here's us nearly with two - it's always so nice, and kind of reassuring to catch up with them. Like, we may have very different lifestyles at the moment, but the bond is still there, and it's strong. I just wish we could convince them to move to Essex!
Felix hasn't been well this week. Just a cold, but he's really been suffering with it. It's meant some nice long naps, but a lot of grumpiness and clinginess. Add that to me being a bit of an emotional wreck and we've had a few fraught moments. However, it also meant that he was really cuddly and one day even sleepy enough to fall asleep in my arms on the sofa - something he hasn't done for months, maybe even a year! It was so adorable, I didn't want to move and ended up sitting in the dark for about an hour! Even though he's been a snotbucket, he's still managed to look cute:
He's had a bit of a verbal explosion this week. Felix has a big one-word vocabulary (I've counted well over 100 words) and has been combining two or three words for a while, though generally really simple things like "Bye Bye Daddy", "Thank you Mummy", "Hello Dinger", "One more" etc.
These last few weeks though he has just been talking non stop in sentences. They're often hard to understand fully, you might get a word or two, but he gets a bit agitated and frantic trying to explain what he means while we look at him slightly baffled. It's so cute just hearing him babble away and knowing he's trying so hard to make us understand. Some of my favourites from this week have been:
"Crisps are on the plate over there" (this one took us ages to get and he was waving his arms around frantically trying to get us to understand him.)
F: "Nanny?" L: "Nanny is coming round tomorrow. F "Oh! Nanny one more day? Okay?"
(up at the window) "Snow? No snow? No snow no more." (he checks every day to see if there's snow).
and finally: "Here I am!". He's been repeating it for a while because it's in a Spot book he loves, but has just started applying it to himself when playing Peekaboo or something. He uses it when he pops out from somewhere to surprise you, but also when arriving somewhere or when he finds a lost toy. It's adorable.#
I took him to a Jo Jingles class on Friday, which was a lot of fun. He wasn't sure at first and sat on my knee, strangely quiet for him, but by the end of the session was charming the other mums and sitting on their knees instead. He enjoyed playing with the maracas in particular and was especially good at getting the instruments and putting them away. Aw, I was very proud. Looking forward to going back next week!
Honey Corn Muffins
7 hours ago
Felix is yummy. Apart form you and his Nanny I'm probably his number one fan LOL!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe your firends will move to Essex when they start settling down with partners and kiddies?